And then in later experiments, we found the opposite, 而在随后的实验中,我们发现了相反的情况, that fir was sending more carbon to birch than birch wa...
After the hour was up, I rolled down my window, and I checked for mama grizzly. 一小时的时间到了之后,我摇下了车窗,看看灰熊妈妈还在不在。 Oh good, sh...
The first day of the experiment, we got out to our plot 实验的第一天,我们来到了实验地点, and a grizzly bear and her cub chased us off. 突然一头灰熊...
Trees in real forests might also share information below ground. 在真正的森林中,树木可能还会在地下交流信息。 But this was really controversial, and s...
Our poor dog Jigs had slipped and fallen into the pit. 我们可怜的狗吉格斯,脚一滑跌进了一个坑里。 So grandpa ran up with his shovel to rescue the poor...
Imagine you're walking through a forest. 想象你正穿行在森林中。 I'm guessing you're thinking of a collection of trees, 我猜你想的是一大片树, what we ...
And I'm not sure how to fix it because I'm only a scientist. 我只是个科学家,不知如何解决这个问题。 But maybe one way to do it is to go back to the mo...
This one sentence before the story started was enough to make the brain responses 故事开始前的一句话就足以决定大脑的反应, of all the people that beli...
And I think that in a few hours, a few days, a few months, 我认为,过几个小时、几天,或几个月后, you're going to meet someone at a party, and you're ...
Now, let's take all this information together and ask: 现在,综合以上所有信息,我们要问一个问题: How can we use it to transmit a memory that I have f...