Shep, thank you so much for coming. I think your plane landed literally two hours ago in Vancouver. 克里斯谢普,感谢你的到来。我听说你乘坐的航班两个小...
A few years ago, you embarked on this mission to try and actually image one of these things. 几年前,你接受这项任务来尝试并且、构想出这些东西的样子。 ...
We had to get lucky in a lot of different ways. And sometimes, it's better to be lucky than good. 在很多方面我们都需要幸运的眷顾。有时,运气比正确操作...
You can't beat the bandwidth of a 747 filled with hard discs. 没有哪个网络比一架满载硬盘的波音747飞机更快的了。 And so, I guess a few weeks or a few m...
And we can see the tragedy of Africa in the first few bars here. Growth was negative. 我们可以看到非洲的悲剧就从这个条形图的前几个条。负增长! People ...
And to explain why this is so, I have a question. 为了解释为什么会是这样,我先问一个问题。 Suppose that there are two diseases: one of them is rare, t...
Alright. Well if larger markets increase the incentive to produce new ideas, how do we maximize that incentive? 好。那么,如果市场越大,创新的动力越大...
But consider the following: if the world as a whole were as wealthy as the United States is now 但是,请大家考虑一下:如果整个世界都象现在的美国一样富...
Now you can see some of the reasons why I'm optimistic. Globalization is increasing the demand for ideas, the incentive to create new ideas. 现在你可...
Here is GDP per capita from 1900 to 1929. Now let's imagine that you were an economist in 1929, trying to forecast future growth for the United States...