1.TED演讲 :慈悲心与感同身受的真正涵义(1)
I want to address the issue of compassion. 我想探讨慈悲心这个话题 Compassion has many faces. 慈悲心有很多形态 Some of them are fierce; some of them ar...
2.TED演讲 :错误引导的艺术(2)
Pardon me. 不好意思。 I don't think I need this clicker anymore. You can have that. 我觉得我不需要这个遥控器了,给你吧。 Thank you very much. I apprec...
3.TED演讲 :错误引导的艺术(1)
Do you think it's possible to control someone's attention? 你们觉得人的注意力是可控制的吗? Even more than that, 或者更进一步, what about predicting ...
4.TED演讲 :我选择和平(3)
Then there was The Daily Show. 接着,有个每日秀的节目出现了。 On a nightly basis, Jon Stewart forced me to be intellectually honest with myself about ...
5.TED演讲 :我选择和平(2)
By the time I turned 19, I had already moved 20 times in my life, 当我19岁的时候,我已经搬超过20次家了, and that instability during my childhood didn...
6.TED演讲 :我选择和平(1)
On November 5th, 1990, a man named El-Sayyid Nosair walked into a hotel in Manhattan and assassinated Rabbi Meir Kahane, the leader of the Jewish Defe...