We heard a brilliant simple solution to not killing people in surgery, which is, have a checklist. 我们听说了一个简单有效的方法,来降低手术中病人的死...
But in surviving this last year, I was reminded of a cardinal rule -- not a research rule, 但是在过去一年的挣扎中,我被一个基本守则所提醒着--不是做研...
And then I hear, Vulnerability TED! I turn around, I go, Hi. 然后我听到:脆弱TED! 我转过身,说:嗨。 She's right here and she said, You're the shame ...
What would you like for me to talk about? There's three big answers. 那你们想让我讲什么?有三个主要的答案。 This is mostly, to be honest with you, fro...
The first is: vulnerability is not weakness. 第一件事,脆弱不是弱点。 And that myth is profoundly dangerous. 并且这种错误理解非常危险。 Let me ask you...
And she goes, Uh... no. 然后她说:呃,不记得。 Of course, the only thing I could say at that point was, Yeah, me neither. Yeah -- me neither. 所以当然...
I'm going to tell you a little bit about my TEDxHouston Talk. 我要跟大家讲一点关于我TEDxHouston演讲的事。 I woke up the morning after I gave that talk...
8.TED演讲:试验 排除错误和万能神力(12)
And you sometimes need to be shocked out of that. 而有的时候我们需要把这种感觉抖掉。 Now I'm not going to pretend that this is easy. It isn't easy. It...
9.TED演讲:试验 排除错误和万能神力(11)
It is dangerous for patients to recover from heart attacks at home. 让心脏病人在家康复是危险的。 They should be in hospital. 他们应该留在医院里。 And ...
10.TED演讲:试验 排除错误和万能神力(10)
Until then, until then I'm going to keep banging on about trial and error and why we should abandon the God complex. 到那时候,到那时候,我会继续讨论...