Let me tell you about Beatrice Biira. 下面这个故事有关碧翠斯,比拉. Beatrice was living in Uganda 碧翠斯住在乌干达, near the Congo border, 刚果边界附...
Let me tell you about Saima. 我要告诉你们赛玛的故事。 She lives in a small village outside Lahore, Pakistan. 她住在拉合尔市外的一个小村子,在巴基斯坦...
Let me tell you about Mahabuba. 我要告诉你们马哈布巴的故事。 She lives in Ethiopia. 她住在埃塞俄比亚。 She was married against her will at age 13. 她1...
So research has shown, 有研究显示, if you look at people who live under two dollars a day -- 那些每天消费两美金以下的人-- one metric of poverty -- 这...
And that brings me to my first major 我写《半边天》的两个信条之一 of two tenets of Half the Sky. 是从这里得到启发的。 And that is that 这一个信条就是 ...
The global challenge that I want to talk to you about today 我今天要跟大家谈的全球性挑战 rarely makes the front pages. 很少出现在头版头条 It, however,...
But you learn lessons from these things that happen to you. 但人们会从经历中学习 I learned to be always there. 我也是这样 The first thing, I got out o...
I was asked last year to give a speech 去年我曾被邀请在 at the Oslo Freedom Forum. 奥斯陆自由论坛上做演讲 I was surrounded by this love 我觉得我周围 a...
So I think by now, everyone knows that we can't drive, 我在想,现在人们都知道我们不能开车 or women are not allowed to drive, in Saudi Arabia, 或者说,...
But my story goes beyond this moment of truth of mine. 但我的故事并没有就此结束 Allow me to give you a briefing 让我来简洁地 about my story. 介绍一下...