And since we had that meeting three and a half years ago, 自从我们三年半前开展这儿会议以来 it's been a heck of a roller coaster. 真是过山车式的跳跃 We...
The will to live life differently can start 想把生命活得与众不同的愿望 in some of the most unusual places. 能够在一些不平凡的地方实现 This is where I ...
It goes up by 15 percent, 对于所有事物都是如此 and you have a 15 percent savings 你还能节省 on the infrastructure. 15%的基础设施经费 This, no doubt, i...
Before I talk about that, 谈到这之前 I've written down at the bottom there 我在底下标出了 the slope of this curve, this straight line. 这条曲线的斜率...
So here's two questions 每当我思考这个问题 that I have in my head when I think about this problem. 两个疑问一直在我脑子里打转 The first is: 第一 Are c...
Cities are the crucible of civilization. 城市是文明的熔炉 They have been expanding, 它们一直在扩张 urbanization has been expanding, 城市化的扩张速度 a...
Only 20 years later, 仅仅20年后 between 1920 and 1930, 1920年至1930年间 almost 200,000 people 近 20万人 were killed by cars in the United States. 在美...
They also have great capacity. 它们有很大的容量 For example, this system in Guangzhou 例如,这系统在广州 is moving more passengers our direction 比中...
Mobility in developing world cities 在世界上发展中国家城市里 is a very peculiar challenge, 流动性是一个非常严峻的挑战 because different from health 因...
Now the site itself was easy enough to build, 网站本身是容易建成的, but the team was faced with the challenge of how they populate all of the content...