Well, I bumped into this whole thing completely by accident. 一个偶然的机会让我想到这一切。 I used to teach people how to write computer programs in N...
So that's a pretty strong comment there. I said schools as we know them now, they're obsolete. 这里会引来热烈的讨论。我是说我们所知道的学校已经过时了...
What is going to be the future of learning? 未来学习是什么样子的? I do have a plan, but in order for me to tell you what that plan is, I need to tell...
I'm fascinated with the idea of what happens when you merge biology with technology, 我非常着迷于这点子,要是把科技和生物学融合在一起会发生什么, and ...
I call myself a body architect. 我自称为一名人体建筑师。 I trained in classical ballet and have a background in architecture and fashion. 我学过古典芭...
Quick question for you, Dan. So you're a movement -- (DW: Chauvinist.) -- chauvinist. 我问一个简短的问题。所以你是一个运动--(沃:沙文主义者。)--沙文...
And the fundamental idea is you want to plan your movements so as to minimize the negative consequence of the noise. 话说回来,我们的基本思路是要找到...
So why is it that we move the particular ways we do? 那我们为什么用这种特定的模式移动呢? Well let's think about what really happens. Maybe we don't a...
But we've got a problem. Tasks are symbolic -- I want to drink, I want to dance -- but the movement system has to contract 600 muscles in a particular...
So we decided to test this in the lab. Now we don't work with children, we don't work with hitting, but the concept is identical. 所以我们决定在实验室...