1.2021年经济学人 美国内战--时代姐妹花(1)
Books arts 文艺板块 Book review 书评 American history 美国历史 Band of sisters 姐妹团 The Agitators. By Dorothy Wickenden. 《鼓动者》,作者:多萝西威...
2.2021年经济学人 以诗喃吟唱愤怒与希望(2)
Actually, Gomas slammers do both. Their city has been surrounded by warring armed groups for over 20 years. Rebels, who generally fund themselves by s...
3.2021年经济学人 以诗喃吟唱愤怒与希望(1)
Books arts 文艺版块 Les slammeurs 诗喃者 Rhyme for your life 让生活充满韵律 Young people put their anger and hopes into spoken poetry 年轻人把他们的愤...
4.2021年经济学人 弱势的残酷--发展以牺牲为代价(2)
Though Mr Zarates fi?ndings could fi?ll scathing exposes of the kind churned out by Greenpeace, his technique is more like that of Svetlana Alexievich...
5.2021年经济学人 弱势的残酷--发展以牺牲为代价(1)
Books arts 文艺板块 Book review 书评 The Peruvian Amazon 秘鲁的亚马逊热带雨林 The wood from the trees 雨林困境 Wars of the Interior. By Joseph Zarate....
6.2021年经济学人 互联网是有记忆的,言论不当总要买单(2)
In aiming for these, people often miss the mark, one reason the platform hosts so much recklessness, attention-seeking and off-target humour. Yet thou...
7.2021年经济学人 互联网是有记忆的,言论不当总要买单(1)
Books arts 文艺板块 Johnson 约翰逊专栏 The memory hole 忘怀洞 Tweets feel like conversation but are judgedand punishedlike writing 推文感觉像是口语对...
8.2021年经济学人 菲利普亲王-为爱放弃王位的希腊王子(4)
In a corner were the biographies that had been written about him. And on a table by a window stood an array of family photographs in black and white. ...
9.2021年经济学人 菲利普亲王-为爱放弃王位的希腊王子(3)
Later, his staff often described him as bracing. 后来,他的工作人员经常形容他令人振奋。 When asked by a (female) journalist about rumours of a colourf...
10.2021年经济学人 菲利普亲王-为爱放弃王位的希腊王子(2)
His German family wanted him brought up in Germany, and sent him to the school they had founded at Schloss Salem in Baden-Wurttemberg. But Hitlers ris...