1.2021年经济学人 冬季的天气--雪(1)
Books arts 文艺板块 Book review 书评 Winter weather 冬季的天气 The white stuff 白色的物质 Snow. By Anthony Wood. 《雪》。作者:安东尼伍德 Anthony wood...
2.2021年经济学人 一年要闻 嫦娥5号登月挖土 伊朗将军遭暗杀 黎巴嫩港口大爆炸
In other noteworthy elections, Sinn Fein got the most votes at the polls in Ireland but came second in terms of seats. The country got its first-ever ...
3.2021年经济学人 一年要闻 美国种族示威蔓延全球 英国正式脱离欧盟 白俄选举引发抗议
The death of George Floyd, a black man, at the hands of police in Minneapolis sparked the worst unrest across America for decades. Floyds cry that he ...
4.2021年经济学人 华尔街新宠--量子计算(2)
Finance is not the only industry looking for a way to profit from even the small, unstable quantum computers that mark the current state of the art; s...
5.2021年经济学人 华尔街新宠--量子计算(1)
High-tech finance 高科技金融 Quantum for quants 量化交易量子化 Wall Street's latest shiny new thing: quantum computing 华尔街新宠:量子计算 The financ...
6.2021年经济学人 好莱坞巨变--迪士尼,华纳加入流媒体战场(2)
In a presentation to investors the studio announced a blitz of new content for its Disney+ streaming service: ten Star Wars series, ten more based on ...
7.2021年经济学人 好莱坞巨变--迪士尼,华纳加入流媒体战场(1)
Business 商业版块 Cinema and streaming 大荧幕和流媒体 Big bets on the small screen 大举押注小荧幕 Hollywood is pivoting to home entertainment 好莱坞正...
8.2021年经济学人 一年要闻 拜登赢得美国大选 安倍晋三辞职 多国开启疫苗接种
The pandemic was a boon for some. Once the shock of lockdowns faded, stockmarkets climbed towards new records, in part because of the soaring share pr...
9.2021年经济学人 一年要闻 新冠肺炎波及全球 石油市场遭受重创 各国出招挽救经济
The world this year 本年全球要闻回顾 By late January cases were widely reported in Germany, Japan, Taiwan and Vietnam. Markets were rattled, fearing d...
10.2021年经济学人 小说家约翰·勒卡尔(4)
Now he was pumped for information which his vestigial loyalty to the service forbade him to speak of, as well as for solutions to mysteries that he kn...