1.2020年经济学人 巴托比专栏--办公室恋情为何越来越少(1)
Business 商业版块 Bartleby 巴托比专栏 Labours lost love 职员们遗失的爱情 The decline of the office romance 办公室恋情的减少 Their eyes met across the ...
2.2020年经济学人 土耳其的货币动荡(2)
The ensuing credit boom, the biggest in a decade, put renewed pressure on the lira and pushed inflation up. 随之而来的十年内最大的信贷繁荣,这给里拉带...
3.2020年经济学人 白芝浩专栏--戴高乐对鲍里斯·约翰逊的借鉴意义(3)
So far Mr Johnsons moral laziness has prevented him from making the best of these instincts. He has made a mockery of his talk of reforming the state ...
4.2020年经济学人 白芝浩专栏--戴高乐对鲍里斯·约翰逊的借鉴意义(2)
De Gaulle tackled Frances loss of self-confidence by speaking for la France profonde and insisting that France cannot be France without grandeur. Fran...
5.2020年经济学人 土耳其的货币动荡(1)
There seemed to be no end to the unusual measures Turkey would take to shore up the lira. 土耳其为支撑里拉而采取的非正常措施似乎没有尽头。 The governm...
6.2020年经济学人 白芝浩专栏--戴高乐对鲍里斯·约翰逊的借鉴意义(1)
Britain 英国板块 Bagehot 白芝浩专栏 A certain idea of Britain 对英国的某种看法 General de Gaulle has some important lessons for Boris Johnson 戴高乐将...
7.2020年经济学人 切尔迪好村长拉斯洛·波格丹(4)
Outside the village, he had enemies. He wanted to see Gypsies integrated and living like other Hungarians, for he was proud of being Hungarian too; he...
8.2020年经济学人 一周要闻 全球旅游业进入大萧条 日产巨亏64亿美元 柯达股价飙涨2190%
The World Tourism Organisation said that up to the end of May the industry saw a 56% fall in tourist arrivals, year on year, translating to $320bn in ...
9.2020年经济学人 一周要闻 谷歌延长远程办公时间 美国失业救济金下调 波音二季度亏损24亿美元
The world this week 世界国际要闻 Business 经济 The bosses of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google faced sharp questions (remotely) from a committee in A...
10.2020年经济学人 脑震荡(2)
Donal McNally, a specialist in biomechanics at the University of Nottingham, in Britain, 英国诺丁汉大学的生物力学专家Donal McNally表示, says that an ...