1.2020年经济学人 部落演员安东尼奥·萨尔瓦多(2)
The later expedition also became a search for wisdom. Both Evan and Karamakate had come into the forest to fill the empty shells of themselves, their ...
2.2020年经济学人 美国黑人的医疗状况不容乐观(1)
United States 美国版块 Lexington 列克星敦 Black America in peril 美国黑人危在旦夕 The vulnerability of African-Americans to the coronavirus is a natio...
3.2020年经济学人 船只防污技术(2)
Bacterial biofilms, as these layers are known technically, are used as anchorages by the larvae of so-called hard growth organisms, 这些层在技术上被称...
4.2020年经济学人 部落演员安东尼奥·萨尔瓦多(1)
Antonio Bolivar Salvador (Tiapuyama to his tribe), actor and storyteller, died of covid-19 on April 30th, aged 75 演员兼故事讲述者安东尼奥玻利瓦尔萨尔...
5.2020年经济学人 船只防污技术(1)
All Ships suffer from fouling: the build-up below the waterline of shellfish, seaweeds and other organisms. 所有船只都会遭遇污垢:堆积在水线以下的甲壳...
6.2020年经济学人 从疫情前到居家后(2)
Yet although offices will not disappear, it is hard to imagine that working life will return to BC ways. For more than a century workers have stuffed ...
7.2020年经济学人 一周要闻 欧洲多国开放边境 美洲国家成重灾区 俄罗斯疫情仍然严峻
By contrast, other European countries started to reopen their borders. Germany said it would lift warnings and allow its citizens to travel abroad fro...
8.2020年经济学人 一周要闻 英国放松封锁限制 "跪杀"黑人4名警察被解雇 日本解除数县的封锁
The world this week 本周国际要闻 Politics 政治 The Japanese government lifted restrictions in the last remaining prefectures under lockdown. It also u...
9.2020年经济学人 经济统计学——危机措施(2)
America's GDP was first estimated to have fallen at an annual rate of 3.8% in the fourth quarter of 2008, compared with the previous three months. 在2...
10.2020年经济学人 马什皮·万帕诺亚格部落的保留地危机(2)
In 2018 the Department of Interior reversed thedecision to recognise the reservation, rolling backthe interpretation of what is an indian. They'renot ...