A: Do you like the apartment so far? 你喜欢这个公寓吗? B: I see a problem. 我看有点问题。 A: Whats the problem? 什么问题。 B: I noticed that the fauc...
A: You really need to look at some of the problems we are having with the apartment. B: That apartment never had any problems before. Are you sure the...
A: We would like you to stop by again so we can show you some more problems that have come up with our apartment. B: I am kind of busy right now, but ...
A: I would like to make an appointment to discuss the problems I keep having with my apartment. B: Are you having problems? This is the first Ive hear...
A: There is a problem in my apartment. B: What is it? A: A pipe broke in my wall, and water is leaking. B: Is the water causing any damage? A: Yes, it...
A: It is very nice meeting you. B: Im happy to meet you also. A: When did you get moved in? B: Just this past weekend. A: I didnt even know the house ...
A: Hello, its nice to meet you. B: Its great meeting you too. A: Did you just move in? B: I moved in this past weekend. A: I had no idea that house wa...
A: Hey, nice to meet you. B: Its nice to meet you too. A: When exactly did you move into the house? B: I finished moving in this last weekend. A: I di...
A: Is there anything specific that I should know about where to park my car? B: You have an assigned place in the back of the building with your apart...
A: What are the rules about where I should park? B: Your assigned space is in the back where I marked it on the map. A: Can I park anywhere else in th...