A: I need to get some business cards printed up. 我需要买一些印制好的名片。 B: Do you know how many you need? 你知道你需要多少吗? A: I think I can ge...
I need to purchase some business cards. 我需要买一些名片。 No problem. How many are you thinking about? 没问题,你想卖多少? I think 2,000 would be fi...
Buying Business Cards 买名片 A: Hello. I would like to buy some business cards. 你好,我想买些名片。 B: Excellent. How many would you like? 太好了。你...
A: Hi. I'm looking for some good deals on produce. 嗨,我在找一些价廉物美的食物。 B: You might want to try the mangoes. 也许你可以尝试一下芒果。 A: Ca...
Can you tell me about some good deals on produce? 能告诉我这里有没有在打折的食物? The mangoes are on sale today. 今天芒果打折。 What exactly are mang...
Where is some fresh produce that's on sale? 哪里有卖新鲜并在打折的食物? Well, I think you'll like the mangoes. 嗯,我想你会喜欢芒果的。 I've never ha...
A: Can you direct me to some fresh produce that's on sale? 能告诉我哪里能买到正在打折的新鲜的水果吗? B: Well, we've got some great mangoes on sale. ...
I'm looking for some fresh produce that's on sale. 我们在找一些特价并且新鲜的食物。 Well, we just got in some mangoes. 嗯,我们刚刚进了一些芒果。 Mang...
A: Where is the produce? 产品在哪里? B: It's on the south wall of the store, in aisle A. 在通道A口,商店的南面墙上。 A: Is there any produce on sale?...
Grocery Shopping 杂货店购物 A: Can you tell me where the produce is? 能告诉我在哪儿能买到这个产品吗? B: It's in aisle A. 就在过道A口。 A: Do you know...