1.科学美国人60秒 混合免疫的好处,以及回到办公室的冒险
搜索 复制 The Benefits of Hybrid Immunity, and Venturing Back to the Office: COVID Quickly 混合免疫的好处,以及回到办公室的冒险 Tanya Lewis: Hi, and w...
2.科学美国人60秒 太空尘埃的潜在危险
搜索 复制 Aside from all the satellites, and the space station orbiting the Earth, there's a lot of trash circling the planet, too. Twenty-one thousan...
3.科学美国人60秒 科学终于解释了口吃原因
搜索 复制 科学终于解释了口吃原因 Karen Hopkin: This is Scientific Americans 60-Second Science. Im Karen Hopkin. Hopkin: When you stop to think about i...
4.科学美国人60秒 喜欢电脑还是历史,来收听这个播客
搜索 复制 Love Computers? Love History? Listen to This Podcast 爱电脑还是情史,来收听这个播客 KATIE HAFNER: Hello Science Talk Audience / Hello 60-Sec...
5.科学美国人60秒 为望远镜建造更好的镜面
搜索 复制 To study the heavens, it's all about the photons. We in astronomy are always greedy. We want every photon we can collect. Drew Phillips, ast...
6.科学美国人60秒 混乱的轨道可能导致灾难性的碰撞
搜索 复制 Isaac Newton said, I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people. He meant that while people can be unpredict...
7.科学美国人60秒 火星上发现失传已久的着陆器
搜索 复制 Christmas 2003 was bittersweet for Mars scientists. Because one gift they desperately wanted never arrived: The British-built spacecraft Bea...
8.科学美国人60秒 益生菌可以帮助拯救过热的珊瑚
搜索 复制 Probiotics Could Help Save Overheated Coral 益生菌可以帮助拯救过热的珊瑚 Sarah Vitak: This is Scientific Americans 60-Second Science. Im Sar...
9.科学美国人60秒 这款手机不需要电池
搜索 复制 A dying battery is a huge annoyance for cell phone users. But for engineers? It's inspiration. Can we design a smartphone which can make a p...
10.科学美国人60秒 医院如何抑制分贝
搜索 复制 Hospitals can be extremely noisy places. 医院是非常嘈杂的地方。 In fact, quietness is one of the lowest-rated categories on national surveys...