1.科学美国人60秒 城市食物觅食看起来收获颇丰
搜索 复制 Foraging for food in urban areas is on the rise. Not dumpster diving. Collecting fruits and herbs. 在城市觅食越来越流行。当然啦,不是在垃圾...
2.科学美国人60秒 物理现象揭示金字塔的奥秘
搜索 复制 For 4500 years, the Great Pyramid, or Khufu's Pyramid, has kept watch over the Egyptian desert. In that time, it's suffered the indignities ...
3.科学美国人60秒 这部手机不需要电池
搜索 复制 A dying battery is a huge annoyance for cell phone users. But for engineers? It's inspiration. Can we design a smartphone which can make a p...
4.科学美国人60秒 技术大亨希望为底层十亿人提供创新产品
搜索 复制 I think its really important for us to use this magical power of invention and innovation to change the lives of people who really needed th...
5.科学美国人60秒 富兰克林的避雷针达到了政治目的
搜索 复制 Besides helping to create the United States of America, Benjamin Franklin of course invented the lightning rod. Which sits atop buildings an...
6.科学美国人60秒 系统能检测出耗电应用程序
搜索 复制 Most smartphone batteries will get you through the day on a full charge. As long as you stay away from apps that are constantly connecting t...
7.科学美国人60秒 职业棒球运动员技术化身可能会大受欢迎
搜索 复制 Hall of Famer Ted Williams once famously commented that hitting a baseball is the hardest thing to do in sports. Although Williamsa .344 car...
8.科学美国人60秒 细胞电路可以用DNA计算出来
搜索 复制 Our smartphones, tablets, laptopsthey all compute things electronically. But, think outside that silicon box for a second: There's nothing s...
9.科学美国人60秒 猎鹰在果园巡逻寻找讨厌的入侵鸟类
搜索 复制 Washington state is the countrys largest producer of cherries and blueberries. The states wine industry is second only to Californias in val...
10.科学美国人60秒 如果北极的海冰融化,加州的树木会燃烧吗?
搜索 复制 If Sea Ice Melts in the Arctic, Do Trees Burn in California? 如果北极的海冰融化,加州的树木会燃烧吗? Emily Schwing: This is Scientific Amer...