I use, in the United States, the U.S. Postal Service; I put a stamp on it, I put it in the mailbox, and it is delivered to the other company. If I wan...
In an email program, the inbox is usually the main screen. On your desk, it's probably a small box that other people put papers into. I check my inbox...
Welcome to lesson two of ESLPod.com's Using English at Work. I'm your host, Dr. Jeff McQuillan, from the Center for Educational Development. In the fi...
My coworker made fun of me by asking whether he could get me some coffee and asking when I was leaving, because those are the types of things that you...
Where I work, the employees (or the people who work at the company) are supposed to show their badges at all times. The phrase at all times means alwa...
To lock up means to use a key to close the locks on the doors of one's car or home so that other people cannot get in without a key. You probably lock...
Sometimes it is very difficult to find a parking spot in the city and people have to drive for a long time until you find one. But I don't have that p...
Many businesses have key cards instead of the normal metal key to get into rooms or buildings. In this case, the key card lets me pass through the sec...
I began by saying that when I woke up, I thought, TGIF! TGIF is an acronym, meaning that each letter is the first letter of another word. TGIF (all ca...
ESLPod.com presents Using English at Work, a special 10-episode course to teach you the English that people use in a typical day at work. I'm Dr. Jeff...