1.2018年双语新闻 "一本好书"上演"一出好戏"
Learn to love reading 《一本好书》上演一出好戏 I've had a digital version of UK writer W. Somerset Maugham's 1919 novel, The Moon and Sixpence, on my ...
2.2018年双语新闻 “小雀斑”终于圆了“巫师梦”
Learning to be a wizard 小雀斑终于圆了巫师梦 Welcome back to JK Rowling's wizarding world. 欢迎来到J.K.罗琳的魔法世界。 This time, however, the main c...
3.2018年双语新闻 斯坦·李:用一生创造一个宇宙
Farewell, hero star 斯坦李:用一生创造一个宇宙 For many comic lovers, Stan Lee is a superhero. Dubbed the father of Marvel Comics, he created an imagi...
4.2018年双语新闻 宫崎骏电影中的女性力量
Magical movies 宫崎骏电影中的女性力量 The man in the photo with the grey moustache, black-framed glasses and a broad smile is beloved for the beautifu...
5.2018年双语新闻 “瓷娃娃”福原爱官宣退役
End of a journey 瓷娃娃福原爱官宣退役 Never before have Chinese internet users so openly liked and supported a Japanese athlete as they have loved tab...
6.2018年双语新闻 金庸逝世:江湖已远,侠义永存
Kung fu king passes 金庸逝世:江湖已远,侠义永存 As one saying goes, where there are Chinese people, there are kung fu legends. 有句话说得好:哪里有中...
7.2018年双语新闻 岩井俊二的中国版《情书》
Simple stories 岩井俊二的中国版《情书》 Many young people may write a letter to express their love when they have a crush on somebody. However, for fa...
8.2018年双语新闻 Lady Gaga做回了自己
Lady Gaga stars in new film 在这部电影中,Lady Gaga做回了自己 She is always linked to strange clothing and heavy makeup. 她总是和奇装异服、浓妆艳抹联...
9.2018年双语新闻 哈佛因"歧视亚裔"走上被告席
Fair admission debate 哈佛因歧视亚裔走上被告席 Michael Wang was a senior at James Logan High School, US, back in 2012. According to The New Yorker, he...
10.2018年双语新闻 微信头像里信息量原来这么大!
Controlling our image 微信头像里信息量原来这么大! When we meet someone for the first time, we usually get a vague sense of what kind of person they a...