1.2018年双语新闻 漫威宇宙的十字路口
Bad guy's tale 复联3:漫威宇宙的十字路口 They've fought big villains before, alone and together, in 18 films set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 在...
2.2018年双语新闻 时尚遇上环保
Trend for recycled fashion 当时尚遇上环保 When you open your closet, chances are that you will see some unwanted clothes lying in the corner. But inst...
3.2018年双语新闻 指纹里藏的生命秘密
Fingers tell story of our lives 指纹里藏的生命秘密 Before the discovery of DNA profiling in the 1980s, fingerprints were the easiest way to solve seri...
4.2018年双语新闻 蒙娜丽莎微笑的秘密
Secret of her smile 蒙娜丽莎微笑的秘密 Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa is one of the most renowned paintings in the art world. Interest i...
5.2018年双语新闻 朝韩首脑会晤标志半岛问题走向正轨
Meeting marks step in right direction 朝韩首脑会晤标志半岛问题走向正轨 Top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) Kim Jong-un and ...
6.2018年双语新闻 "神奇女侠"的时代力量
Wonderful woman 神奇女侠的时代力量 Last year, the movie Wonder Woman took the world by storm, and movie fans couldn't stop talking about its amazing s...
7.2018年双语新闻 张弥曼 又一位突破"玻璃天花板"的女科学家
Breaking glass ceiling 张弥曼:又一位突破玻璃天花板的女科学家 Forty years ago, when Marilyn Loden, then 31 and a manager at a telephone company, made ...
8.2018年双语新闻 美国宣布对中兴通讯实施禁令
US bans Chinese tech giant ZTE 美国宣布对中兴通讯实施禁令 A recent decision made by the US government has caused a big stir. 美国政府近期的一项决定引...
9.2018年双语新闻 斯皮尔伯格电影中的人性之光
Message of movies 斯皮尔伯格电影中的人性之光 With a career spanning more than four decades, Steven Spielberg has a number of Hollywood box office hits...
10.2018年双语新闻 无辣不欢或许对身体有益
Chilies bring benefits 无辣不欢或许对身体有益 What can be both red or green, round or sharp, big or small, and more importantly, loved or hated by som...