1.英语悠选脱口秀 长胖了 怪我咯
搜索 复制 长胖了 怪我咯 讲解: Today's key word is Obesity. Obesity 肥胖,肥胖症 Obesity is a medical condition in which excess (额外的) body fat has ...
2.英语悠选脱口秀 地铁激吻与梦想激情
搜索 复制 地铁激吻与梦想激情 讲解: Today's key word is Passion. Passion 激情,热情 Passion is a very strong feeling about something or a strong belie...
3.英语悠选脱口秀 妈妈喊你回家吃饭
搜索 复制 妈妈喊你回家吃饭 讲解 Today's key word is fitting Dinner. Any meal you eat in the middle of the day can be referred to as dinner. 正餐,主餐...
4.英语悠选脱口秀 神秘之地试衣间
搜索 复制 神秘之地试衣间 讲解 Today's key word is fitting room. A fitting room is a room in which you can change clothes. 试衣间,化妆间。 dressing ro...
5.英语悠选脱口秀 奇葩人名大盘点
搜索 复制 奇葩人名大盘点 讲解 Today's key word is Unique 不是优衣库,也没有试衣间哦! (优衣库UNIQLO) Something that is unique is the only one of its...
6.英语悠选脱口秀 大学宿舍秒变青年旅社
搜索 复制 大学宿舍秒变青年旅社 讲解 Today's key word is Hostel It means an establishment which provides cheap food and lodging for a specific group of...
7.英语悠选脱口秀 "你丑你横穿" 简单粗暴最有效
搜索 复制 你丑你横穿 简单粗暴最有效 讲解 Today's key word is Jaywalk 乱穿马路,走路不遵守交通规则 The word jaywalk is a compound word derived from the ...
8.英语悠选脱口秀 月嫂标准又创新高度
搜索 复制 月嫂标准又创新高度 讲解 Today's key word is Standard A standard is something that you use in order to judge the quality of something else。 ...
9.英语悠选脱口秀 裸泳的勇气
搜索 复制 讲解 Today's key word is Naked (adj.) 裸体的,裸露的 名词形式为 Nudity 裸体; 裸露 Someone who is naked is not wearing any clothes. Here's ...
10.英语悠选脱口秀 清华北大"抢人"大战
搜索 复制 讲解 Today's key word is: Recruit It means: To enroll someone as a member or worker in an organization or as a supporter of a cause 招聘,招...