1.优势商务英语谈判 Showing Interest
搜索 复制 Showing Interest Dialogue 1 A:It's been great meeting you here the show,i really appreciate learning more about what MIRCONAN does.Actually ...
2.优势商务英语谈判 Finding a Partner
搜索 复制 Finding a Partner Dialogue 1 A:Our next project is to find a partner on the American side,for a new product line?we'd really like to open up...
3.优势商务英语谈判 Quality Control Issues
搜索 复制 Quality Control Issues Dialogue 1 A:I hope you can offer some kind of assurance for the quality of products coming out of your factories,the...
4.优势商务英语谈判 Closing the Deal
搜索 复制 Closing the Deal Dialogue 1 A:Did you receive the contract i faxes to your office yesterday? B:Yes,i forwarded it over to our legal team,the...
5.优势商务英语谈判 Accepting and Confirming the Terms
搜索 复制 Accepting and Confirming the Terms Dialogue 1 A:To let you know,i've already heard back from my boss,ha has agreed if you take care of shipp...
6.优势商务英语谈判 Discussing the Bottom Line
搜索 复制 Discussing the Bottom Line Dialogue 1 A:Thanks for sending a long your estimate for this project,i took a look at it,and there is a little p...
7.优势商务英语谈判 Making ConcessionS
搜索 复制 Making ConcessionS Dialogue 1 A:Let's get started,i have been thinking a lot about the details of our project,and i really do hope to reach ...
8.优势商务英语谈判 Checking on Shipments Status
搜索 复制 Checking on Shipments Status Dialogue 1 A:Hello,Mr Chen,this is Samual calling from Hardi Hardware,i'm calling to check the status on our or...
9.优势商务英语谈判 Discussing Payment Options
搜索 复制 Discussing Payment Options Dialogue 1A:How would you like to handle payment options for your order? B:Generally speaking,we usually go with ...
10.优势商务英语谈判 Discussing Transportation Issues and Shipping Options
搜索 复制 Discussing Transportation Issues and Shipping Options Dialogue 1 A:Our headquarters are wondering when we can expect to receive the shipment...