
AP 2010-07-30

时间:2010-08-04 03:27:53



1. The White House says the release of 91,000 secret military documents is a breach1 of federal law and a potential threat to US military personnel. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs says President Barack Obama was alerted to the leak last week. The documents on Afghanistan were posted online by the whistle-blower WikiLeaks.


2. An American is now considered the odds-on favor to succeed Tony Hayward as chief executive of BP. An official says Hayward will step down in October. He is expected to be replaced by Bob Dudley.


3. At least four people have died as a result of the powerful storms that left hundreds of thousands of people without power in and around Washington DC. The victims include a six-year-old boy who was killed when part of a tree fell on him in northern Virginia.


4. And authorities in Arizona incorrectly told the family of a 19-year-old girl that she had died in a traffic crash. But it was actually her 21-year-old friend who was killed. A hospital got it wrong. Friends and family are devastated by the mix-up



1 breach 2sgzw     
  • We won't have any breach of discipline.我们不允许任何破坏纪律的现象。
  • He was sued for breach of contract.他因不履行合同而被起诉。

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