
听电影学英语-紫罗兰 15

时间:2011-03-01 03:44:11



  [00:02.85]不 我没有 我只是在保护我自己 No, l’m not. l’m protecting myseIf.
[00:07.52]他伤害了我 我告诉自己 不会再原谅他了 He hurt me. And l promised myseIf that l wouId never forgive him.
[00:11.46]你想让我做什么? 出去和他一起吃饭吗? What do you want me to do, go out and have Iunch with him?
[00:14.03]对 你可能会渡过个美好时光 Yes. And you might actuaIIy have a good time.
[00:16.70]好啊 Oh, yeah.
[00:18.97]乐开花 A thousand Iaughs.
[00:23.37]好 好 好 我去 Fi Fine. Fine. l’II go.
[00:25.77]但你必须陪我一起 But onIy if you come with me. l don’t
[00:27.78]我就是不想和他单独呆一块 l do not want to be aIone with him.
[00:29.88]很遗憾 我不能 因为... See, l can’t, because...
[00:31.61]我要和布莱恩一起去汉普顿 l’m going to the Hamptons with Brian.
[00:33.72]很好 很好啊 Great. Great.
[00:36.89]你快去享受一个浪漫的约会吧 You get to go have a romantic rendezvous1...
[00:40.89]我就去和墨菲来个了断 and l get to deaI with the Murph.
[00:49.37]* 知道一条更好的回家之路吗 * ’Do you knoW a better Way back home.’
[00:51.40]* 有这么一条回家的路但它却很长很长 * ’ There’s a Way back home but It takes so lonG.’
[00:54.60]* 她说 如果我知道一条更好的回家之路 * ’She saId, If I kneW a better Way back home.’
[00:57.37]* 你会不会抛下我一个人 * ’ Would you take me alonG.’
[01:12.42]* 如果我知道一条更好的回家之路 * ’If I kneW a better Way back home.’
[01:14.79]* 然后我抛下你 我做错了吗 * ’And I took you alonG Would I stIll be WronG.’
[01:17.59]* 她说 是的 我知道一条更好的回家之路 * ’She saId, Yes I knoW a better Way back home.’
[01:20.43]* 但这条路却好长好长 * ’But It takes so lonG.’

[01:29.77]* 喔 喔 * ’ Ooh, ooh.’
[01:32.27]* 有条回家的路 有条回家的路 * ’ There’s a Way back home There’s a Way back home.’
[01:35.11]* 她说 喔喔 *      看看这儿 ’She saId, Ooh, ooh.’.’         Wow. Look at this pIace.
[01:39.08]这就是卖给夫妇最好的房子了 被你买到了 So this is what a coupIe best seIIers wiII get you, huh?
[01:41.85]看到了吧 我告诉过你该重新写作的 See? l toId you you shouId start writing again.
[01:44.02]是啊 Yeah, weII
[01:46.16]哦 我的天啊 Wow. Oh, my God.
[01:48.26]你住这里多久啦      大概5年了  How Iong have you Iived here?         Uh, about filve years.
[01:51.73]在我卖了《暗夜流觞》的电影版权后买的 l bought it right after l soId the movie rights to TonIGht’s the NIGht.
[01:54.63]它是5部电影啊 What a filne, filne filIm that was.
[01:57.33]她值得每一分 lt was worth every penny.

  [01:59.97]我的天啊 你是谁? Oh, my God. Who are you?
[02:01.97]不是开玩笑吧 SeriousIy. Oh, my God.
[02:04.74]这是游泳池吗? ls this a swimming pooI?
[02:06.74]是啊 很奇妙吧? Yeah. It’s pretty rIdIculous, rIGht?
[02:09.55]我其实不是很擅长游泳 l want you to know l’m not reaIIy, Iike, a reaIIy strong swimmer.
[02:12.65]没关系 我们可以用游泳圈 That’s all rIGht. We are Well equIpped WIth flotatIon devIces.
[02:21.49]恩 So
[02:24.86]我猜 So l guess, um
[02:27.16]我们      不好意思  So what shouId we         Sorry.
[02:29.16]没关系的 你没必要 No. lt’s filne. You don’t have to
[02:31.50]没事 No, um
[02:34.00]你 恩 你愿意睡在我的房间吗? Do you wanna, uh, sIeep in my room
[02:36.17]我不知道      或者客服 或是  l don’t know.         or guest room, or
[02:38.17]我们怎么能这样 我猜  How shouId we do this? l guess
[02:40.34]我提议是我的房间 但 我不想冒犯你 ll vote my room, but, you know, l don’t want to offend.
[02:44.41]不会 当然不会啦 我们都是成年人了 No! Of course. We’re aduIts.
[02:46.48]之前我们也睡过同一张床的 所以 我们可以 We’ve been in the same bed before, so, yeah, we couId.
[02:49.85]对啊 我们以前也这样 这边走 Yes, we have. This way.
[02:57.29]是你的厨房 Got your kitchen.
[02:59.90]这是双人客房 CoupIe of guest rooms here.
[03:02.20]客卫 Guest bath.
[03:05.37]很不错啊      书房  Very good.         Library.
[03:07.87]主卧在楼上 Master bedroom’s upstaIrs.
[03:11.74]我的天啊 布莱恩 Oh, my God, Brian.
[03:13.81]这就是你创作的地方 This is where you write?
[03:16.75]好吧 Okay.
[03:35.00]你来帮我完成吧 l’II Iet you filnish it.
[03:38.57]过来一下 Come here for a second.
[03:41.24]有没有读过你以前的作品?      没有啊  Have you read your revIeWs lately?         No, it’s okay.
[03:43.74]它会对你有帮助... 帮你找回自信  No. lt heIps... with that Iack of confildence.
[03:47.31]没关系啊 lt’s aII right.
[03:47.86]"一个值得珍藏的故事 充满想象与震撼力 ’’A moving coIIection of stories, fuIIy imagined and heartfeIt.
[03:51.25]"帕塔森小姐是欣欣的受欢迎的人 ’’Miss PetaIson is a new and weIcome voice.
[03:54.52]嘘      "在春天  Shh.         ’’lnspiring.
[03:56.52]"帕塔森用真诚捕获了大学生活 ’’PetaIson captures university Iife with honesty.
[03:59.96]"她有着完美的洞察力      好了啊  ’’Her insight2 achieves perfection3.         Okay.
[04:01.96]"她抓住了人性 可信的 ’’Her grasp of human nature, authentic4.
[04:03.96]一个真正的纽约作家诞生了"      好了啦 A true New York writer is born.’’        Okay.

  [04:06.16]就是这么写的啊      够了  That’s what it says.         That’s enough.
[04:08.16]* 声声入耳 那是你 那是你 * ’ The sound of sounds.That’s you. That’s you.
[04:10.17]* 启发 * ’EnlIGhtenInG.’
[04:21.28]* 私语 承诺 安慰 * .’ The WhIsper, the promIse the solace5.’
[04:24.11]* 是你给我带来的 * ’ Of Where you’re lead.’
[04:27.62]* 声声 * ’ To.’
[04:34.16]所以我最后写的东西... So I f’l’nally Wrote somethInG...
[04:36.16]我很高兴你如果能在这个周末看看  and l wouId Iove if you wouId take a Iook at it this weekend.
[04:39.90]’声声细语’      当然  .’EnlIGhtenInG.’         AbsoIuteIy.
[04:41.90]你真好      ’是你 ’  Good for you.         .’ You.’
[04:43.97]是啊      * 是你 *  AII right.         .’ You.’
[04:50.47]* 声声入耳 * ’ The sound of sounds.’
[04:54.34]* 声声细语 * ’EnlIGhtenInG.’



1 rendezvous XBfzj     
  • She made the rendezvous with only minutes to spare.她还差几分钟时才来赴约。
  • I have a rendezvous with Peter at a restaurant on the harbour.我和彼得在海港的一个餐馆有个约会。
2 insight D6fx4     
  • Good teachers have insight into the problems of students.好的教师能洞察学生的问题。
  • The research will provide direct insight into molecular mechanisms.这项研究将使人能够直接地了解分子的机理。
3 perfection GMKxd     
  • Their works reach to a great height of perfection.他们的作品到了极完美的境地。
  • The picture wants something of perfection.这幅画还有些不够完美。
4 authentic ZuZzs     
  • This is an authentic news report. We can depend on it. 这是篇可靠的新闻报道, 我们相信它。
  • Autumn is also the authentic season of renewal. 秋天才是真正的除旧布新的季节。
5 solace uFFzc     
  • They sought solace in religion from the harshness of their everyday lives.他们日常生活很艰难,就在宗教中寻求安慰。
  • His acting career took a nosedive and he turned to drink for solace.演艺事业突然一落千丈,他便借酒浇愁。

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