
听电影学英语-如果能再爱一次 04

时间:2011-03-04 03:22:38



  [00:01.24]Clifton Hall, please. 麻烦到克利夫顿音乐厅
[00:10.04]That's a music school, isn't it? 那是音乐学校,是不是?
[00:11.84]Yeah, there's a concert there tonight. 对,今晚有场演奏会
[00:14.26]Your girlfriend's a musician. 你的女友是音乐家
[00:17.47]That's right. 没错
[00:19.26]And you're having problems with your love life. 你们感情生活出了问题
[00:24.85]How in the world did you know that? 你究竟如何知道的呢?
[00:26.64]People in my profession are second only to bar men in knowing about the problems of the heart. 做我这行的是仅次于吧台酒保 能了解别人心里问题的人
[00:35.48]So what's the trouble? 是什么问题呢?
[00:38.86]Ah, don't wanna talk about it. 我不想谈
[00:40.78]That's a good idea. The thing will probably just fix itself. 好主意,问题可能会自行化解
[00:52.92]Well, I can't seem to make her happy. 我似乎无法令她快乐
[00:56.13]How can you love someone so much and not know how... 怎会爱一个人这么深 却不知道如何...
[01:00.63]how to love her? 如何去爱她?
[01:02.64]So you do love her? 这么说你真的爱她啰?
[01:04.14]Yes, very much. 是的,我非常爱她
[01:06.93]Yeah, well that's all that matters. 那点才是最重要的
[01:08.52]She's going away tomorrow, for two weeks. 她明天要离开两周
[01:11.94]She wants me to go with her. 她希望我陪她去

[01:13.15]What if she never came back? 万一她不回来了怎么办?
[01:16.73]What sort of a question is that? 那算哪门子的问题?
[01:18.24]Well, come on, picture it. You wave goodbye at the airport she gets on an airplane... 拜讬,想像一下 你在机场挥手道别,她搭上了飞机...
[01:23.16]you never see her again. 从此再也见不到她了
[01:26.87]Could you live with that? 你能接受那样吗?
[01:32.04]No. 不能
[01:37.25]No, I couldn't. 不,我不能
[01:45.10]Well, you know what to do. 那你晓得该怎么做
[01:48.31]Appreciate her, and what you have. 感激她,感激你所拥有的
[01:53.52]Just love her. 爱她就是了
[01:59.90]It's not for another two blocks. 还要两个街区才到啊
[02:01.32]You can't show up empty-handed. 你不能空着手露面
[02:22.55]You know, if Ian bought a ticket and if he's coming home with me, 如果伊恩买了机票陪我去的话
[02:25.43]that's really sweet. I mean, maybe he's coming around. 那就真的太好了 我是说,也许他要跟我去
[02:28.43]I hope so, you deserve1 it. 希望是如此,你理该得的
[02:31.14]And if Ian doesn't know that, he's nothing but a deep shit. 如果伊恩还不懂 那他就只是一坨屎罢了
[02:34.65]You always know exactly what to say. 你总是明确地知道怎么说
[02:37.36]Now remember, you are the bee's knees. 现在记住,你卓越非凡
[02:41.65]It's a good thing. Have a great time tonight. 那是好事 祝你今晚演奏顺利
[02:45.16]Thank you, bye. 谢谢,拜
[03:15.69]Next, Melvina Walters will sing... 接下来,梅文娜华特丝要演唱...
[03:19.11]Juliet's Waltz, by Guno. 古诺谱写的“茱丽叶之华尔滋”
[03:48.26]Hi, thanks. 嗨,谢谢
[03:52.06]Ready? 准备走了吗?
[03:53.18]Uh, yeah. See you later. 是的,再见了
[03:56.35]Enjoy the great trip. 好好享受这美好之旅
[04:01.27]Hey Oliver, oh, you made it, hi! 嘿,奥立佛,你来了,嗨!
[04:05.49]Are you kidding? He wouldn't have missed it for the world. 开玩笑,他绝对不会错过的
[04:08.99]She was the best one. 她是最棒的
[04:12.20]I love Miss Andrews, everyone does. 我喜欢安德鲁斯小姐,大家都是
[04:16.29]It I was just a few years older... 如果我再大个几岁...
[04:19.38]You! 你呀!
[04:24.71]- This is for you. - Thank you. -这是送你的 -谢谢
[04:28.51]Ian, is this not just the cutest card? 伊恩,这是不是最可爱的卡片呢?
[04:32.10]Yeah, we should go. 对,我们该走了
[04:36.73]- Well, I... - That's okay, -我... -没关系
[04:39.02]we need to go too. 我们也必须走了
[04:46.07]It was a disaster, 真是场灾难
[04:48.86]Dunbar passed, Drown is pissed and I'm screwed2. 邓巴没意见,庄恩很生气 而我完蛋了
[04:52.74]- God, Ian, I'm so sorry... - Forget it. -老天,伊恩,我真是抱歉... -算了



1 deserve owaxR     
vt.应受,值得;vi. 应受报答,值得受赏
  • You really deserve a good beating,you naughty boy.你这个调皮孩子真该打。
  • I do not deserve all the praises bestowed upon me.我不配得到这些赞扬。
2 screwed screwed     
adj.用螺丝拧紧的,螺丝状的,喝醉的v.用螺丝拧紧( screw的过去式和过去分词 );拧上去;(和某人)性交;诈骗(钱财等)
  • an extremely screwed-up kid 一个十分神经质的孩子
  • He screwed up his face at the nasty smell. 闻到这令人作呕的气味,他皱眉蹙额。 来自《简明英汉词典》

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