
听电影学英语-战鸽快飞 07

时间:2011-03-14 05:30:24



  [00:02.44]What did Gutsy mean by highly dangerous? 高茨说的极度危险是什么意思?
[00:05.92]I don’t know, but I can tell you this. 我不知道,但是我可以告诉你这个
[00:10.44]I am a bird of principle. 我有我自己的原则
[00:15.68]And my number one principle is: 我的首要原则就是...
[00:19.84]Don’t get involved in anything highly dangerous. 绝不卷入极度危险的事情
[00:24.88]I will never violate my core beliefs. 而我从对不会破坏我最核心的信仰
[00:25.72]Do not ask me to, I’m not that kind of pigeon. 别求我破坏,我不是那种鸽子
[00:29.56]Sir, point of clarification, please, 长官 请允许我澄清一件事...
[00:34.08]regarding the highly dangerous mission. 仅就极度危险的任务
[00:36.60]-I have a doctor’s note that... -Zip it, stinky. - 我有医生的病假条,说... - 闭嘴,臭东西
[00:39.12]Yeah, sure, I understand. 是,当然,我明白
[00:39.40]I truly regret that I have but one Iife to give for my country. 我非常遗憾 我只有一次生命来献给我的祖国
[00:45.48]I’d Iove to die, Iove to. 我愿慷慨赴死,慷慨赴死
[00:47.80]-But not Sunday, bad for me. -Are you finished? - 但不要在星期天,那天我走霉运 - 你有完没完?
[00:50.80]Not quite, Iisten, maybe I’m not that conscientious1. 还没有,听着 也许我不是那么的尽职尽责
[00:55.48]-But I do object. -Get back to the barracks! - 但是我要抗议 - 给我回兵营去!
[00:57.00]Now! 马上!
[01:01.20]-Do I have to go on the mission? -Now! - 我还需要参加这次任务么? - 马上!
[01:04.04]-Yep, I take that as "yes, I do". -Now! - 好,我就当作:“对,你需要” - 马上!

[01:19.08]Hey, where are you going? 喂,你要去哪里?
[01:21.12]Keep it down, mate. 哥们,小声点
[01:23.28]-Have some serious flying ahead. -FIying? - 我先做些飞行训练 - 飞行训练?
[01:25.60]-FIying to where? -Back to Trafalgar Square, son. - 你想飞到哪里去? - 孩子,我要回到特拉法尔加广场
[01:31.76]-You’II break up the team. -Team? - 你会破坏这个队伍的 - 队伍?
[01:33.80]I’m not a team player, old Bugbuster plays solo. 我不是这个团对里的人 老巴格西向来独来独往
[01:36.64]The real question is why are you staying? 真正的问题是 你为什么要留下来?
[01:41.00]Why? Because it’s my duty, it’s our duty. 为什么?因为这是我的职责 我们的职责
[01:43.04]Whoa, whoa, hold on, have I missed something? 哦,打住,打住 我没有忘记什么东西吧
[01:47.36]I mean, did we start this? No. 我是说,这是我们发起的么? 不是
[01:48.40]Did we make those? 这些是我们制做的么?
[01:51.24]Or those? 还有这些?
[01:53.88]I’ve seen them fall, mate, and it’s not pretty. 朋友,我看过他们落下来 那情况很糟
[01:56.92]The truth is, 事实是...
[01:58.08]I’m scared, all right? 我很害怕,好了吗?
[02:03.12]Don’t tell them that ’cause I’II deny it. 不要告诉他们这些,我不会承认的
[02:06.80]Well, I’m scared too. 嗯,我也害怕的

  [02:07.96]Then come with me. 那么跟我走吧
[02:08.28]Trafalgar Square will be ours. 特拉法尔加广场将是我们的家
[02:11.64]But we didn’t make it either. 但那里也不是我们建造的
[02:15.48]Where do we go when they start dropping bombs there? 如果他们在广场投放炸弹 我们去哪里?
[02:17.16]No, I’m staying, I’m doing my bit. 不,我要留下来,我要尽我的职责
[02:22.68]Yeah, they’re Iucky to have you, mate. 好吧 他们能有你这样的士兵真得很幸运
[02:26.04]Keep your wings dry, yeah? 无论如何,自己多多小心啊
[02:31.40]-What’s happening? -What’s going on? - 出什么事情了? - 发生什么了?
[02:35.16]It’s time for me to fly the coop, so... 是我离开这个牢笼的时间了 所以...
[02:39.48]-I guess this is farewell. -Where are you going? - 我想这次算是永别了 - 你打算去哪里?
[02:43.16]You can’t Ieave, Bugsy. 你不能走,巴格西
[02:48.00]Look, I have urgent business to take care of. 看,我有一些急事要处理
[02:55.48]I’d better catch the wind while it’s blowing. 我最好在风还没停之前,顺风而飞
[02:59.12]Look me up when you get back. 你回来后一定去看我
[03:00.28]You know where I’II be. 你知道我会在哪里
[03:19.92]Gentlemen, take your places. 各位,各就各位
[03:24.76]Our mission is to be dropped behind enemy Iines 我们的任务是在敌军后方降落...
[03:27.28]make contact with the French Resistance, 与法国的抵抗组织接头
[03:27.92]in occupied France, 在被占领的法国
[03:31.84]get a vital top secret message 拿到重要的绝密情报
[03:32.16]and bring it back by sundown tomorrow, good Iuck. 在明天日落之前带回来 祝你们好运
[03:37.96]The fate of the freedom Ioving world depends on us.
[04:27.76]Oi! 喂!
[04:31.44]-Bugsy! -You can’t go without me. - 巴格西! - 你可不能撇下我就走了
[04:35.12]You can’t have all the glory. 哪能让你一个人当英雄
[04:58.60]Good Iuck, Iads. 祝你们一路顺风
[05:12.44]Bugsy, thanks for coming back. 巴格西,真高兴你回来加入我们
[06:14.96]Truth is, it’s the first worthwhile thing I’ve ever done. 事实上 这可能是我第一次做这么有意义的事情



1 conscientious mYmzr     
  • He is a conscientious man and knows his job.他很认真负责,也很懂行。
  • He is very conscientious in the performance of his duties.他非常认真地履行职责。

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