
听电影学英语-傲慢与偏见 17

时间:2011-03-26 06:10:04



  [00:11.58](BIRDS CHIRPING)
[00:20.14]Oh, what are men compared to rocks and mountains? 男人怎么比得上湖光山色?
[00:22.46]Or carriages that work. 或是好的马车
[00:31.02]Where exactly are we? 我们到底在哪里?
[00:33.54]I think we're quite close to Pemberley. 我们离彭伯利庄园很近
[00:38.22]- Mr Darcy's home? - That's the fellow. - 达西先生的家? - 没错
[00:41.22]GARDINER: Very well stocked lake. I've a hankering to see it. 那里的湖有很多鱼,我很想去
[00:42.58]Oh, no, let's not. 不要去啦
[00:46.58]Oh, he's so... 他太…
[00:50.26]I'd rather not, he's so... He's so... 我不去,他太…他太…
[00:53.26]- MRS GARDINER: So what? - He's so rich. - 他太怎样? - 他太有钱了
[00:57.30]By heavens, Lizzie, what a snob1 you are. 天啊,你的偏见太深了
[00:57.94]Objecting to poor Mr Darcy because of his wealth. 你竟然因为他有钱讨厌他
[01:02.14]MRS GARDINER: He won't be there anyway. These great men are never at home. 反正他不会在,有钱人都不在家
[01:02.30]The poor man can't help it. 有钱又不是他的错
[01:20.70](BIRDS CHIRPING)
[01:48.50]MRS GARDINER: My goodness.
[02:13.94]Keep up. 跟上来
[02:36.18]GARDINER: Is your master much at Pemberley? 你的主人常在彭伯利庄园吗?
[02:37.86]MRS REYNOLDS: Not as much as I would wish, sir, for he dearly loves it here. 很可惜他并不常在这儿 不过他非常爱这地方
[02:40.38]MRS GARDINER: If he should marry, you might see more of him. 他结了婚就能常见到他
[02:44.38]MRS REYNOLDS: Yes, madam, but I do not know when that will be. 只是不晓得要等到哪一天
[02:55.10]He's a lot like his father.
[02:55.78]And most generous. 他也很大方,只是不善于表达
[03:01.62]When my husband was ill, Mr Darcy couldn't do enough. 我先生生病,他帮了很多忙
[03:08.82]He didn't fuss. 我没办法工作他也没抱怨
[03:29.90]MRS REYNOLDS: This is he, Mr Darcy. 造就是达西先生
[03:34.42]A handsome face. 他很英俊
[03:37.74]Lizzie, is it a true likeness2? 莉琪,这跟他本人像不像?
[03:40.26]Does the young lady know Mr Darcy? 小姐认识达西先生吗?
[03:43.62]Only a little. 我跟他并不熟
[03:47.14]Do you not think him a handsome man, miss? 你不觉得他很帅吗?
[03:51.66]Yes. 他是很帅
[03:55.66]Yes, I daresay he is. 他的确很帅
[04:00.50]This is his sister, Miss Georgiana. 这是他的妹妹乔治亚娜小姐
[04:09.90]Is she at home? 她在家吗?
[04:30.98](BIRDS CHIRPING)
[04:49.38](BIRDS CHIRPING)



1 snob YFMzo     
  • Going to a private school had made her a snob.上私立学校后,她变得很势利。
  • If you think that way, you are a snob already.如果你那样想的话,你已经是势利小人了。
2 likeness P1txX     
  • I think the painter has produced a very true likeness.我认为这位画家画得非常逼真。
  • She treasured the painted likeness of her son.她珍藏她儿子的画像。

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