
83. Man's Best Friend p. 60

时间:2005-05-05 16:00:00




  Of all the animals of the Chinese horoscope, the dog really stands out. Which other animal can compareto the dog? The horse? No, he's always horsing around. The monkey? No, he's always monkeying around.
The dog is a loyal companion. He makes us feel safe. He helps us keep thieves out of our homes. The doghas also helped us with our English. For example, if there were no dogs, how could people complain aboutleading a dog's life? And how could the weatherman say, "It's raining cats and dogs?"The dog is truly man's best friend. So the next time a dog lifts a leg to your car, don't get angry.
Just let it obey the call of nature.


man 不加冠词,指人类
of all.... = among all...    两个用of, 两个以上of,among都可以
horoscope 占星  astrology 星相学  astronomy 天文学
stand out 突出
What's your chinese horoscope (sign)? 什么属相?   I am rat. 属鼠
compare to = compare with
toad  癞蛤蟆
horse around = monkey around = goof1 around = idle around = fool around  鬼混, fool around 常用
companion 同伴(可数)   company 陪伴(不可数)
loyal = faithful
He helped me (to) write this letter. = He helped me with this letter.
lead/live a life      Peter lives a life of crime.      lives a luxurious2 life
It's rainning cats and dogs. = It's rainning heavily.



1 goof 1euzg     
  • We goofed last week at the end of our interview with singer Annie Ross.上周我们采访歌手安妮·罗斯,结果到快结束时犯了个愚蠢的错误。
  • You will never be good students so long as you goof around.如果你们成天游手好闲,就永远也成不了好学生。
2 luxurious S2pyv     
  • This is a luxurious car complete with air conditioning and telephone.这是一辆附有空调设备和电话的豪华轿车。
  • The rich man lives in luxurious surroundings.这位富人生活在奢侈的环境中。

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