
美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-03-15

时间:2013-07-23 06:13:01



1. New York City fans of giant cups full of sugary soft drinks can continue to feed their cravings. A judge struck down the 16-ounce size limit for sodas and other sweet drinks. But Mayor Michael Bloomberg still defends his idea. 
2. The Senate Judiciary Committee meets Tuesday to debate a bill broadening the requirement for federal background checks to nearly all firearms buyers. Democrats are expected to push for checks and other gun curbs. 
3. Cardinals celebrated a final Mass before the conclave to elect the next Pope. Assuming they vote, the first puffs of smoke should emerge from the Sistine Chapel Chimney by 8 p.m. local time Tuesday. Black for no Pope, white if a Pope has been chosen.
4. And New Jersey communities across the state have strung up vulture carcasses this winner to drive away flocks of damaging buzzards. Wildlife officials say it's a sure-fire way to stop buzzards from roosting in the area.


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