
美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-12-28

时间:2015-01-21 08:55:43



 New York mayor Bill de Blasio says he's willing to meet with police union leaders. The union leaders say that the mayor created a climate of mistrust. The mayor has called for a pause in protests and debate until the funerals of 2 police officers killed on Saturday.

New York police released the surveillance tape of the man who killed the 2 officers before taking his own life. They are trying to figure out what Ismaaily Brinsley did for 2 hours in New York before the shooting.
Australia held funerals for the 2 victims of last week's siege at a cafe in Sydney. Tori Johnson and Katrina Dawson were both killed in the final minutes of the 16-hour standoff.
And Taiwan unveils what it's calling a self-designed steath corvette. The ship has a wave-piercing twin-hull design to help it avoid radar1 detection.
Diane Kepley, The Associated Press with AP News Minute.



1 radar kTUxx     
  • They are following the flight of an aircraft by radar.他们正在用雷达追踪一架飞机的飞行。
  • Enemy ships were detected on the radar.敌舰的影像已显现在雷达上。

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