
朗文3L看听学英语第三册 Lesson 05

时间:2007-03-12 16:00:00



Revision Lesson 5 With Billy’s best wishes
Narrator1: Sandy’s new teacher is Mrs Hart.
Mrs Hart is talking to Sandy now.
Mrs Hart: You aren’t paying attention, Sandy.
What are you looking at?
Sandy: A postcard, Mrs Hart.
Billy sent it to me
during the holidays.
Mrs Hart: Let me see it.
Mrs Hart: It’s a photograph of a prison
in the Tower of London.
When were you
at the Tower of London, Billy?
Billy: I was there on August 3rd, Mrs Hart.
Billy: I sent a postcard of the prison
to Sandy.
Mrs Hart: What did you write
on the card, Billy?
Billy: I wrote, “I wish you were here.”




1 narrator rFdxT     
  • He listens and waits for the narrator to explain more.他听著,等待讲的人进一步解释。
  • The story's narrator is an actress in her late thirties.故事的叙述者是位年近四十的女演员。

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