
情景英语口语100主题 091time时间

时间:2007-05-05 08:19:22



091 time

Period pass eternal1 on time era age straightaway shortly soon fortnight century usually never always seldom suddenly finally since until spend(time)

Go on for…
For the time being
Just in time
Right now
Take you time
From now on
Long ago
Spend (hours) on something
The day before yesterday
Hardly ever

A: how do you usually spend your time, now that you’ve retired2?
B: well, I nearly always get up at dawn. I don’t like sleeping in late. The days are longer in summer that in winter, so I get up in summer. I usually do some exercise when I get up.
A: what do you have for breakfast?
B: I usually have cereal3, but sometimes I cook a traditional English breakfast.
A: that sounds nice. How do you spend your morning?
B; I usually do housework in mornings. I go shopping occasionally. I like to do all my shopping in one bag trip to the supermarket. I always drive to the big supermarket in the city center. It takes about 20 minutes to drive there.
A: how do you spend your afternoon?
B: I usually meet some friends and we play sports together or I might spend some time alone on my hobbies. I spend winter evening watching tv, but I spend summer evening at cultural events if I have time.

A: we’ve god a lot of word to do now, but take your time over this project. We don’t want to make any mistakes.
B: ok. I should have it finished by Friday afternoon. Then I can check those account over the weekend. We need to have them finished by Monday, right?
A: that’s right. We’ll finish them just in time. The macy project can wait for the time being. We need to spend several days on that project, but it isn’t due to be finished until the end of the month, so we have plenty of time to get it done.
B; form next week on, we should be in less of a rush.
A: I’m going to give everyone on the team an extra day off. Everyone deserves it.
B: don’t’ say that yet. A new project could suddenly appear.
A; that’s true. Right. I’m going back to the meeting. It’s been going on for hours and there’s no indication that it’ll end soon.
B: carol said that she would spend some time checking that everyone is up-to-date with their work.
A: good. I have to go right now. I really hop4 this meeting doesn’t last too long.
B: they usually go on for ages.
A; I’ll stop by if I have time later. Make sure everyone knows that we must stick to the deadlines.
B; I will. Enjoy your meeting!



1 eternal unvxr     
  • Stop this eternal chatter!不要唠叨个不停!
  • Rome has been called the Eternal City.罗马一向被称为不朽之城。
2 retired Njhzyv     
  • The old man retired to the country for rest.这位老人下乡休息去了。
  • Many retired people take up gardening as a hobby.许多退休的人都以从事园艺为嗜好。
3 cereal Wrzz1     
  • I have hot cereal every day for breakfast.我每天早餐吃热麦片粥。
  • Soybeans are handled differently from cereal grains.大豆的加工处理与谷类的加工处理不同。
4 hop vdJzL     
  • The children had a competition to see who could hop the fastest.孩子们举行比赛,看谁单足跳跃最快。
  • How long can you hop on your right foot?你用右脚能跳多远?
5 intermediate n4RyT     
  • This country is now at an intermediate stage of development.这个国家目前正处于发展的中间阶段。
  • Gray is intermediate between black and white.灰色介于黑色和白色之间。

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