

时间:2017-01-11 08:42:48



   In hot countries bricks are often used which have simply been dried in the sun in this way. But these sun-dried bricks will not stand much rain: the water soaks into them, and they once more become lumps of soft clay.

  The reason of this is that there is not only water in the pores of the clay, there is also water united with the clay itself, and this water can only be got rid of by the strong heat of a fire. So the bricks, after being dried in the air, are placed in a kiln1. Fires are lighted beneath the kiln, and the bricks are baked or burned in it for some time.
  Most bricks turn red when burnt. That is owing to the fact that the clay from which they were made contained a very little iron, and the burning changed this iron into iron-rust, which is of a red colour.
  Bricks will stand a great heat without melting, especially those made from a kind of clay which is called fire-clay. Such bricks are called fire-bricks, and they are used for the backs and sides of fire-places, and for building furnaces in which metals are to be melted.



1 kiln naQzW     
  • That morning we fired our first kiln of charcoal.那天上午,我们烧了我们的第一窑木炭。
  • Bricks are baked in a kiln.砖是在窑里烧成的。

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