
美国有线新闻 CNN 德国再现二战哑弹 汉诺威五万人紧急大疏散

时间:2017-07-03 03:24:18




AZUZ: A World War II bombing caused the evacuation of 50,000 people. It doesn't sound like much of a current event, except when you hear that the evacuation was made on Sunday.

In northwestern Germany, about 10 percent of the residents of Hanover had to leave their homes earlier this week. Construction crews recently found three unexploded bombs in the city. The BBC says they were dropped by the British during World War II. One of them was especially hard to defuse because it was so damaged. Officials were able to do it and no one was hurt.

Evacuations like this have had to be made before in Hanover. The city was hit by 261,000 allied1 bombs on one night alone in 1943. Evacuations and occasionally deadly blast2 have been caused by bombs throughout Germany in the decades since the war.



1 allied iLtys     
  • Britain was allied with the United States many times in history.历史上英国曾多次与美国结盟。
  • Allied forces sustained heavy losses in the first few weeks of the campaign.同盟国在最初几周内遭受了巨大的损失。
2 blast tR6yh     
  • A huge bomb blast rocked central London last night.昨晚一次剧烈的炸弹爆炸震动了伦敦市中心。
  • Not until last week was the project in full blast.工程直到上星期才全部开工。

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