

时间:2020-12-22 06:03:27



1. D) It has got one of its limbs1 injured.

2. C) Its videos Were posted on social media.

3. A) The distance travelled.

4. D) Rush-hour traffic is worsening.

5. B) He helped a stranger to carry groceries to his car.

6. C) He raised a large sum of money for him.

7. B) He is an excellent student at school.

8. A) Attended an economics2 lecture.

9. C) Attend his brothers birthday party.

10. D) Join him in his brother's birthday celebration.

11. B) By train.

12. A) Taking a vacation abroad.

13. C) Working part time as a waiter.

14. B) Save enough money.

15. A) He has rich sailing experience.

16. D) She was also a Nobel Prize winner.

17. B) She developed X-ray facilities for military hospitals.

18. A) Both died of blood cancer.

19. C) They discovered Iceland in the ninth century.

20. D) It was a rocky mass of land covered with ice.

21. A) The Vikings' ocean explorations.

22. C) Dream about the future.

23. B) Change what he has for his past imaginary3 world.

24. D) International business.

25. C) Be content with what you have.



1 limbs 8db8ebd9499664a8ddd2fbbc07b882c2     
肢( limb的名词复数 ); 大树枝; 肢体
  • For a while, she lost the use of her limbs. 好一会儿她四肢都动弹不得。
  • The prisoner's limbs flailed violently because of the pain. 那囚犯因为疼痛,四肢剧烈地抖动着。
2 economics grzxZ     
  • He is studying economics,which subject is very important.他正在学习经济学,该学科是很重要的。
  • One can't separate politics from economics.不能把政治与经济割裂开来。
3 imaginary Aazxr     
  • All the characters in this book are imaginary.此书中的所有人物都是虚构的。
  • The boy's fears were only imaginary.这小孩的恐惧只是一种想象。

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