

时间:2008-10-24 06:29:03



A long time 很长时间
A few 有几个
A little 有一点
In the word 总而言之
In the temple 生气
Keep an eye on 照看
On the large scale 大规模的
Take a walk 散步
At the loose 不知所措
Have a try 试一下
Make a fooled 捉弄
Have a gulp 快马加鞭
All of the sudden 突然
Make a racket 大声喧哗
In the hurried 急忙
Want a go 试一下
Take a brake 休息一下
Take a bound 谢幕
As a matter fact 事实上
Get a grip 掌握
After a fashion 马马虎虎
As a rule 通常


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