
英语口语王 想说就说(四)09

时间:2008-11-19 01:48:39



  Offering to help colleague 主动帮忙同事
Are you OK there? 你那里还好吗?
Oh,my computer crashed again! 啊!我的电脑又当机了!
Can I help? 我帮得上忙吗?
That would be great! I hate working with computers! 如果你可以帮忙就太好了!我最讨厌用电脑了!
Yeap!They are unreliable sometimes. 是啊!有时候电脑真的是不太可靠。
1.Are you OK there? 你那里还好吗?同义译句:Is everything OK?
Are you all right?
2.Oh,my computer crashed again! 啊!我的电脑又当机了!
同义词句:My computer is down. 我的电脑又当机了!
间接用语:This printer jammed again. 印表机又卡纸了。
Some paper stuffed1 the photo copy again.影印机又卡纸了。
The fax was not working again.传真机又故障了。
3.Can I help?需要我帮忙吗?
同义词句:Do you need any help?需要帮忙吗?
Is there anything I can do to help?需要我帮忙吗?
You look like you could do some help.看来你需要帮忙。



1 stuffed c07925943917d17397a704e4a3632ff2     
adj.充满的;饱的v.塞住( stuff的过去式和过去分词 );把…装进;把…装满;(使)吃撑
  • stuffed animals in glass cases 玻璃柜里的动物标本
  • I was stuffed to the gills with chocolate cake. 我嘴里塞满了巧克力蛋糕。 来自《简明英汉词典》

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