
英语口语王 想说就说(四)19

时间:2008-11-19 02:44:58



  section 3
Taking messages 留言
Good afternoon, CCL press.Jennisse speaking, How can I help you?
午安, CCL press. 我是Jennisse. 有什么可以为您服务?
Good afternoon, I'm looking for Mr. Alfert Li.
午安,我找Alfert Li 先生.
Oh, I'm sorry. Mr.Li is in a meeting right now. Can I take a message?
对不起, 李先生现在正在开会. 请问你要留言吗?
Sure. This is Nigel Smith his personal banker. Could you ask him to return my call?
好, 我是Nigel Smith. 我是他私人财务顾问. 可以请他回电吗?
Nigel Smith. Does he have your number , Mr. Smith?
Nigel Smith. Smith先生, 他有你的电话吗?
It's 27817031.
27817031. Sure. I'll make sure he gets the message.
27817031, 好, 我会把留言交给他.
Thanks so much, bye.
1.Mr. Li is in a meeting right now. 李先生现在在开会.
He's not available right now. 他现在在忙.
He's on another line. 他现在在讲电话.
He's engaged1 on another line. 他现在在讲电话.
He's not at his desk. 他现在不在位子上.
He's not in the office right now. 他现在不在办公室.
He's on leave this week and next. 他这星期和下星期请假.
He's out for lunch. 他外出午餐了.
2. Can I take a message? 请问你要留言吗?
Could I get him to return your call? 我可以请他回电给你吗?
Could I ask him to call you? 我可以请他回电给你吗?
3.Could you ask him to return my call? 可以请他回电吗?
Could you ask him to call me back? 可以请他回电吗?
4. It's 27817031. 我的电话是27817031.
5. I'll make sure he gets the message. 我会把留言交给他.
I'll pass the message on. 我会把留言交给他.
I'll get him to return your call. 我会请他回电.
I'll make sure he returns your call. 我会请他回电.



1 engaged St6zn9     
a.having agree to get married
  • They are engaged in talks with the Irish government. 他们正忙着与爱尔兰政府谈判。
  • The old lady engaged herself in making clothes for her children. 这位老太太忙着为孩子们做衣服。

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