
高考英语作文高分必备 实践篇 085

时间:2009-01-03 05:53:57



The earliest coins in the world were used in China more than 3,000 years ago. Coins maybe have different sizes, weights, shapes and different metals. Usually, they have different designs on the two sides. There is usually the head of famous person on one side. Today, the coin is pressed with the name of the country, the date and its value. In the past, many things could be used for money, such as seashells1, rings,bamboo sticks and so on. The earliest coins in the west were made of gold mixed with silver. Many collections of coins have been discovered. The largest collection found in England contained about 200,000 silver pennies2 that was 600 years old.



1 seashells f5ba1b4ae3f54909b7d746c23df2a073     
贝壳,海洋贝类(seashell的复数形式); 海中软体动物的壳,贝壳( seashell的名词复数 )
  • My children love collecting seashells. 我的孩子们喜欢收集贝壳。
  • Dance the night away to the music of the Seashells. 听着远方海贝壳的音乐跳舞。 来自超越目标英语 第1册
2 pennies e863b242721894f4be4cc191ef4fe1c1     
n.of penny;便士( penny的名词复数 );(美国、加拿大的)一分钱;少量的钱
  • He had a few pennies in his pocket. 他口袋里有几个便士的硬币。
  • Pennies, nickles, dimes and quarters are United States coins. 1分铜币、5分镍币、1角银币和2角5分银币是美国硬币。 来自《简明英汉词典》

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