
托福听力短文 II-15-2

时间:2009-01-13 02:01:35



(WA) Well, in answer to your question, several women actively1 participated in the Civil War. The one that comes immediately to mind is Mary Walker. She's important because she's the only woman ever to be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. As you know, this medal is given to people who've served the United States with exceptional2 bravery.

In addition, she was the only female physician in either of the two armies that fought in that war. Even though she had two medical degrees, many officers made her life difficult because they didn't believe that a woman should be a doctor. However, she refused to back down and leave the army. In fact, she risked her life several times during the war and was even captured at one point, but she was soon released.

Umm, after the war, she was arrested several times for wearing pants. And although Congress eventually tried to take her medal away, she refused to give it back and continued to wear it wherever she went. She died in 1919, a year before women received the right to vote, which brings me to my next point.



1 actively lzezni     
  • During this period all the students were actively participating.在这节课中所有的学生都积极参加。
  • We are actively intervening to settle a quarrel.我们正在积极调解争执。
2 exceptional Zn7xP     
  • He is a man of exceptional talent.他是位具有非凡才能的人。
  • He showed exceptional musical ability.他显示出特殊的音乐才能。

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