
FBI - 揭密联邦调查局 - 15

时间:2007-01-28 16:00:00



Coulson’s next move is to make Ellison believe that he controls his own destiny. He allows Ellison to go back inside to consider his options. But Coulson soon fears that his plan will backfire.

Well, the biggest concern was that maybe Mr. Coulson wasn’t in total control. And that someone inside would say, “This is enough for this. We’re gonna shoot our way out of here.” And turn the whole thing to a very chaotic1 firefight much like the ATF ?.

Coulson and Ellison negotiate around the clock. FBI snipers hold their aim and TV crews hold their breathe, fearing a bloody2 gunbattle. After 4 days of tense negotiations3, Coulson finally convinces Ellison to surrender. Hundreds of innocent lives are spared.

And the model for the FBI’s Hostage Rescue Team is to save lives. And if we can negotiate a person now, it’s much better than to have to go and have to drag them out and maybe shoot them, and if you tutor your model into things you believe it. That was the only possible course of action that we could have taken.

The peace resolution, I think, came about, because of the government’s willingness to talk, to not command shooting, firing right off the bat. Their integrity, well I think, ultimately just as grace as god, working everything out to where nobody got killed.

Ellison serves 6 years in prison and today he is preaching in another compound in Oklahoma. Kerry Noble spent 2 years in prison and left the CSA for good. And in a remarkable4 turn of events, today Kerry Noble and Danny Coulson have forged a very unique friendship. One that wouldn’t exist if it were not for the secret strategies of the FBI.

To go from a time when, when we were pointing weapons of each other to a time now that we’ve sat around and drink ice tea and talk about our kids is a great irony5 for either. The first time I met with Kerry Noble after this event was many many years later. Then I said “Kerry, I am really glad I didn’t shoot you.” And he looked at me and said “Danny, I am really glad I didn’t shoot you too.”

Tonight, we’ve taken you inside one of the world’s most secretive crime fighting organizations, the FBI. We’ve seen how the Explosives Unit uses cutting edge technology and painstaking6 detective work to track down society’s most dangerous killers7 and how one artist relies more on her ears than her eyes to create the portrait of a suspect. We’ve shown you how the FBI uses everything from cutting edge technology to informants to infiltrate8 and arrest criminals. But there are many other tactics that can not be revealed in order to protect national security. Strategies that will forever remain among the FBI’s best kept secrets.



1 chaotic rUTyD     
  • Things have been getting chaotic in the office recently.最近办公室的情况越来越乱了。
  • The traffic in the city was chaotic.这城市的交通糟透了。
2 bloody kWHza     
  • He got a bloody nose in the fight.他在打斗中被打得鼻子流血。
  • He is a bloody fool.他是一个十足的笨蛋。
3 negotiations af4b5f3e98e178dd3c4bac64b625ecd0     
协商( negotiation的名词复数 ); 谈判; 完成(难事); 通过
  • negotiations for a durable peace 为持久和平而进行的谈判
  • Negotiations have failed to establish any middle ground. 谈判未能达成任何妥协。
4 remarkable 8Vbx6     
  • She has made remarkable headway in her writing skills.她在写作技巧方面有了长足进步。
  • These cars are remarkable for the quietness of their engines.这些汽车因发动机没有噪音而不同凡响。
5 irony P4WyZ     
  • She said to him with slight irony.她略带嘲讽地对他说。
  • In her voice we could sense a certain tinge of irony.从她的声音里我们可以感到某种讥讽的意味。
6 painstaking 6A6yz     
  • She is not very clever but she is painstaking.她并不很聪明,但肯下苦功夫。
  • Through years of our painstaking efforts,we have at last achieved what we have today.大家经过多少年的努力,才取得今天的成绩。
7 killers c1a8ff788475e2c3424ec8d3f91dd856     
凶手( killer的名词复数 ); 消灭…者; 致命物; 极难的事
  • He remained steadfast in his determination to bring the killers to justice. 他要将杀人凶手绳之以法的决心一直没有动摇。
  • They were professional killers who did in John. 杀死约翰的这些人是职业杀手。
8 infiltrate IbBzb     
  • The teacher tried to infiltrate her ideas into the children's minds.老师设法把她的思想渗透到孩子们的心中。
  • It can infiltrate as much as 100 kilometers into enemy territory at night.可以在夜间深入敌领土100千米。

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