英语听力:自然百科 圣河之旅 The Ganges 恒河—11
时间:2015-08-10 01:36:05
As well as attending yoga classes, some residents2 here volunteer to take part in service, including helping3 out with cleaning and cooking.-Hi, ladies. What brought you here? Are you resdients or are you guests?
-How long have you been here?
-I've been here for three years. -Three years, and you live here as well?
-No, I've just come for five weeks to...
-And you've been here for?
-I've been here for six months.
-Six months. And what drew you here?
-Doing so to perform to.... Are you from Rashcash? -I'm not from Rashcash. I'm from G*.
-G*? OK. And you're from?
-London. -Speak that. I'm markably clear. I can say that. Whereabouta in London are you from?
-From H*? OK. Why do you come here?
-I've miss ** a few times, and he's come to London as well. And I've been here with family. I just want to keep coming back.
-I think to your question of what drew you here? is... I don't think it was the decision that we took, you know. I was born and raised in America, in
California4. And you know about the c*. Yes, my family is Indian origins and must have through Ganga in a movie or something. But it's not like an American textbook to teach you about a river called Ganga. And something brought me to Rashcash.
-How does your old American self, as it were, differ from your new self?
-You know, in America, it's always like you're working and you're going to school, and there's stress, and there is energy being expanding.
-Which is being and existing and...
-It's the next thing. It's always the next thing, and here it's just who you are, and you just be.