
英语听力:自然百科 圣河之旅 The Ganges 恒河—17

时间:2015-08-10 01:41:44



 But the most important thing, a visitor can do here is to bathe in the sacred waters of the river.-It's a little bit chilly1. Soak in for refreshing2. Further?

-Would we chain down or two? At this moment, it's better. That would be swept away here.
-One, two, and three. -I got to go a little further. Three times, I'm running out of chain.
-Yeah, here you go.
-What does that mean? What does it signify?
-You know, it signifies that, you know, our souls have been blessed. All our faults and sins have been cleaned. -From our previous life.
-Previous soul, previous life. Now, it's the beginning of a new life and a new journey.
-First bath! Come on!



1 chilly pOfzl     
  • I feel chilly without a coat.我由于没有穿大衣而感到凉飕飕的。
  • I grew chilly when the fire went out.炉火熄灭后,寒气逼人。
2 refreshing HkozPQ     
  • I find it'so refreshing to work with young people in this department.我发现和这一部门的青年一起工作令人精神振奋。
  • The water was cold and wonderfully refreshing.水很涼,特别解乏提神。

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