英语听力:自然百科 圣河之旅 Yangtze 长江—22
时间:2015-09-29 08:19:22
-Something like 10 percent of population of the planet live in the basin, the wide area around the Yangtze River. That is how important this water, this river, is. Just come over here, look what we as a species are capable of. This is, it's display here, I think, like nowhere else I've seen on planet earth, really. They have blocked, contained, controlled the Yangtze. And now look over here. It's like looking at a side of a mountain. You're proud of it?-Yes, why not? I'm proud of it.
-Of course, there have been enormous environmental and human costs to this dam. -Yes?
-I don't think we know our limits.
-Yeah, well, I don't think we
fully1 understand the nature.
-At such you fascinating, because here, I suppose in China, we are confronted ** by the two biggest questions or issues, facing us almost as a species. How do we make poor people richer? How do we lift them out of poverty, while at the same time, protect the environment? And on rivers, on our sacred rivers, on our
mightiest2 rivers, we see this issue displayed time and time again.