与美国小学生一起学英文第7册 第6期:果实
时间:2018-04-17 01:18:54
Fruit 果实
What is a fruit? 什么是果实?
Why do plants have fruits? 植物为什么会有果实?
Where do fruits come from? 果实生长在哪里?
A fruit is the house of
seeds2. 果实是存贮种子的地方。
Plants grow flowers to make fruits. 植物通过开花来结果。
Fully-grown fruits fall down. 熟透了的果实就会落地。
Then, the
seed1 grows roots under the ground. 然后,种子就会在地下生根。
Then, what happens? 然后又会怎么样呢?
Another plant grows. 另一棵植物长出来了。
Some fruit trees like apple trees, peach trees or pear trees have fruits. 有些果树如苹果树、桃树或梨树都有果实。
There's one interesting fact about fruits. 有个关于果实的趣闻。
Usually, seeds grow inside of a fruit. 通常,种子长在果实的里面。
But strawberry seeds grow outside of the fruit! 而草莓的种子却长在果实的外面!