与美国小学生一起学英文第7册 第7期:电池
时间:2018-04-17 01:19:14
Battery1 电池
A battery is a box of electricity. 电池是一盒电。
It stores chemical energy and this chemical energy changes into electricity. 它能储存可以转化为电能的化学能。
Can you name the things that need
batteries2? 你能列举出需要电池的物品吗?
A clock may need a battery. 钟表可能会用到电池。
A car needs a battery to start its engine. 汽车需要电池来发动引擎。
Many things around us are useless without batteries. 我们身边的很多东西没有电池就一无是处。
Do you know that batteries were very huge a long time ago? 你知道很久以前电池的体积很大吗?
People couldn't carry batteries because they were too heavy. 人们携带不了电池,因为它们太笨重了。
So, scientists developed small batteries. 因此,科学家研制出了小型电池。
Now, we can carry them everywhere. 如今,我们去哪里都能带上它们。