与美国小学生一起学英文第7册 第20期:一代人
时间:2018-04-17 01:36:12
Generation 一代人
What does generation mean? “Generation”是什么意思?
means1 two different things. “Generation”有两层含义。
First, generation means a group of people who are born and live around the same time. 第一,“generation”是指在同一时期出生和成长的一群人。
They are similar ages and they share the same culture. 他们年龄相仿并受同一文化熏陶。
Second, generation also means each stage in a family. 第二,“generation”还指家庭中的辈分。
For example, a grandmother, a mother and a daughter are three different generations. 例如,外祖母,母亲和女儿是三个不同的辈分。
Nowadays, a lot of families consist of one or two generations. 如今,很多家庭都由一两代人组成。
How many generations are there in your family? 你家有几代人呢?
Are there a lot generations in your family? 你家有很多代人吗?