与美国小学生一起学英文第7册 第29期:韩德尔
时间:2018-04-17 01:48:45
Handel 韩德尔
What do you know about George Friedrich Handel? 你了解乔治·弗里德里希·韩德尔吗?
He was a composer and he wrote many famous operas. 他是作曲家,创造出了很多著名的歌剧。
One of his most famous operas is Messiah. 《弥赛亚》是他的最著名的歌剧之一。
He was influenced by the Italian baroque style. 他深受意大利巴洛克风格的影响。
So, his music is
elegant1 and grand like a Italian old churches. 因此,他的音乐典雅而又堂皇犹如意式古教堂。
Most of his
works2 have been played in churches, palaces and many other places. 他的大部分作品都在教堂、宫殿和许多其他地方演奏过。
Handel was born in Germany, studied in Italy and spent the rest of his live in England. 韩德尔生于德国,在意大利求学,在英国度过余生。
He was also famous to other great composers, such as Haydn, Beethoven and Mozart. 其他大作曲家如海顿、贝多芬和莫扎特都熟知他。