与美国小学生一起学英文第7册 第30期:桑巴
时间:2018-04-17 01:49:59
Samba 桑巴
The samba is a popular
folk1 music in Brazil. 桑巴在巴西是很受欢迎的民族音乐。
It came from Africa and Europe. 它起源于非洲和欧洲。
It is not only a symbol for Brazil, but also a symbol for
Carnival2. 它不但是巴西的象征,而且还是狂欢节的象征。
Every February or March in Brazil, People come out and enjoy a huge party all together. 在巴西,每年的二三月份,人们走上街头,一起享受盛宴。
Bands play samba music and they walk on the streets. 乐队走在街上演奏桑巴音乐。
Drums, percussions and guitars play samba all together. 人们用鼓、打击乐器和吉他合奏桑巴音乐。
What do people do when they hear samba music? Dance! 人们听到桑巴音乐时会做什么?当然是跳舞啦!
How do people dance? 人们是怎样跳舞的?
The samba is a dance for couples, so people need a parter to dance the samba. 桑巴是夫妻跳的舞,所以人们需要伴侣来跳桑巴舞。