1.酒店英语口语就该这么说 第76期:电视怎么看 随时效劳
如何使用设施电视怎么看A: What about the TV? 电视怎么看? B: This is the remote control. There are sixteen channels including three English programs an...
2.酒店英语口语就该这么说 第75期:可赏美景 如何打电话
可赏美景您可以饱览太平洋的美聚。 A:The room is facing south. You can command a good view of the Pacific Ocean. 这房间朝南。您可以饱览太平洋的美聚。 B...
3.酒店英语口语就该这么说 第74期:到达房间 询问行李
到达房间我们到了A:This way, please. (After a while) Here we are. After you. 这边请。(走了一会儿)我们到了。您先请。 B:Thank you. When will our bagga...
4.酒店英语口语就该这么说 第73期:指示房间位置 请这边走
指示房间位置504号房就在走廊的尽头。 A: This way, please. Room 504 is at the end of the corridor. 请这边走,,504号房就酵廊的尽头。 B: The corridor is...
5.酒店英语口语就该这么说 第72期:带客进房 询问房间
带客进房怀特先生,要我带您过去吗? A: May I show you to your room, Mr. White? 怀特先生,要我带您过去吗? B: Yes, please. Here is our room key. Oh, by t...
6.酒店英语口语就该这么说 第71期:账单和收据
账单和收据约翰先生,这是账单和收据A:Here are your bill and receipt, Mr. Johnson. We hope you enjoyed your stay with us here and hope you'll have a pl...
7.酒店英语口语就该这么说 第70期:核对账单 提前结账
核对账单请检查一下A:All right. Here you we, sir. Please check it.好的,先生,这是您的账单。 B:I'm sorry. What's this for? 对不起,这是什么费用? 同...
8.酒店英语口语就该这么说 第69期:旅行支票支付 结算细节
旅行支票支付我可以用旅行支票支付吗? A:Oh, I see, thank you. Can I pay with traveler's checks? 噢,我明白了,谢谢。我可用旅行支票支付吗? B: Certainl...
9.酒店英语口语就该这么说 第68期:信用卡 私人支票
信用卡那么你们收这张信用卡吗? A: Too bad. Then do you take this credit card? 糟糕,那么你们收这张信用卡吗? B: Yes, sir. Thank you very much. We hope...
10.酒店英语口语就该这么说 第67期:请求告知信息 房费总额
请求告知信息请告诉我您的姓名和房间号。 A: Morning. Im ready to check out. 早上好。我要结账退房。 B: Sure. May I have your name and room number? 好的。...