1.夏洛的网 第91期:威尔伯说大话(12)
Oh, I don't remember, said Wilbur. It doesn't make any difference. 噢,我不记得了,威尔伯说,没关系。 Let's not talk any more for a while, Charlotte. ...
2.夏洛的网 第90期:威尔伯说大话(11)
In a forest looking for beechnuts and truffles and delectable roots, 上一片森林去找山毛榉果子、块菌、甘美的树根, pushing leaves aside with my wonderf...
3.夏洛的网 第89期:威尔伯说大话(10)
No, said Charlotte. They don't catch anything. 不是,夏洛说,他们不捉任何东西。 They just keep trotting back and forth across the bridge thinking ther...
4.夏洛的网 第88期:威尔伯说大话(9)
You needn't feel too badly, Wilbur, she said. 你用不着太难过,威尔伯,它说。 [00:02.72]Not many creatures can spin webs. Even men aren't as good at it...
5.夏洛的网 第87期:威尔伯说大话(8)
You lack a set of spinnerets, and you lack know-how. But cheer up, you don't need a web. 你少了一个吐丝器,你也少了这门技术。不过高兴起来吧,你用不上...
6.夏洛的网 第86期:威尔伯说大话(7)
Everybody watch! he cried. And summoning all his strength, he threw himself into the air, headfirst. 大家看好了!威尔伯大叫一声,用尽全身力气,头向前...
7.夏洛的网 第85期:威尔伯说大话(6)
Wilbur crouched low, with his thin, curly tail toward the rat. 威尔伯蹲低身子,让它那条细细的弯尾巴对着老鼠。 Templeton seized the string, passed it a...
8.夏洛的网 第84期:威尔伯说大话(5)
The pig walked out to his yard. You there, Templeton? he called. 小猪走到外面它的猪栏去。喂,坦普尔顿,你在那里吗?它叫道。 The rat poked his head out...
9.夏洛的网 第83期:威尔伯说大话(4)
Wilbur hesitated a moment, then jumped out into the air. 威尔伯犹豫了一下,接着悬空往下跳。 He glanced hastily behind to see if a piece of rope was fo...
10.夏洛的网 第82期:威尔伯说大话(3)
Well, said Charlotte, you and I lead different lives. 这个嘛,夏洛说,你和我过的生活不同。 You don't have to spin a web. That takes real leg work. 你...