1.2018年经济学人 欧元区改革: 中肯的提议(3)
Though Mr. Macron envisions a budget in the region of several percent of GDP, Mrs. Merkel is known to want something much stingier. 虽然,马克龙的设想...
2.2018年经济学人 城市公共交通脱离正轨(1)
Urban transport: Off the rails 城市交通:脱离正轨 Public transport is ailing in the rich world. It should co-opt the competition 发达国家的公共交通发...
3.2018年经济学人 一周要闻 福特和大众联手 通用电气被踢出道琼斯指数
Ford and Volkswagen said that they were talking about a strategic alliance which could see them develop commercial vehicles together. Ford also unveil...
4.2018年经济学人 奥夫拉多尔当选墨西哥总统是福是祸?(3)
What sort of change remainsto be seen. 奥夫拉多尔将带来何种变革仍有待观察。 The biography that beguiles his supporters is replete with danger signals....
5.2018年经济学人 欧元区改革: 中肯的提议(2)
The Franco-German compromise gives the nod to various proposals from the European Commission. 法德做出妥协,认可欧洲委员会的各种提议。 The first invol...
6.2018年经济学人 一周要闻 白宫新提名惹争议 CYBG收购维珍理财
Disney raised its bid for the bulk of 21st Century Foxs assets to $71bn, almost half of which is in cash and the rest in shares. That tops an unsolici...
7.2018年经济学人 奥夫拉多尔当选墨西哥总统是福是祸?(2)
The charismatic leaders who ride these resentments to power are almost always false prophets, 这群魅力型领导人们通过驾驭仇恨而夺得权力,他们几乎都是些...
8.2018年经济学人 欧元区改革: 中肯的提议(1)
The president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, likes to compare the euro zone to a house in need of repair. 欧洲委员会主席让-克洛德容...
9.2018年经济学人 奥夫拉多尔当选墨西哥总统是福是祸?(1)
Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador 安德烈斯曼努埃尔洛佩斯奥夫拉多尔 Mexico's answer to Donald Trump 墨西哥对唐纳德特朗普的回应 There are many reasons to worry ...
10.2018年经济学人 共享经济—船只共享新创公司(2)
The business is not all smooth sailingregulation, for one thing, varies widely. 该行业并非一帆风顺各国船只管理规定差异很大。 French law allows boatsha...